Some 30 students from Handy Middle School in Bay City are scheduled to visit SVSU Tuesday, Feb. 23 as part of a “Day of Writing” event intended to reinforce the importance and value of writing.
Saginaw Valley State University and The Dow Chemical Company leaders unveiled a new mobile research laboratory during a ceremony at SVSU Wednesday, Jan. 27.
When Kate Cardinali, 2004, B.F.A., talks about design, you can tell she loves it. But when she starts talking about teaching others, having fun and giving back to the community, that’s when she really gets excited.
Leaders in Midland County have always been serious about improving health outcomes for county residents. In 2014, they enlisted a serious research partner to better understand where they stand and what it would take to be a healthier county. The SVSU team of five faculty and 15 students — all undergraduates — spent nearly a year gathering, analyzing and sharing data. Those who selected SVSU for the project were seriously impressed when the team submitted its final report.
The pastor at Victorious Believers Ministries in Saginaw helps others see the possibilities of a better life through a college education, earned perhaps, right in their own backyard.
Saginaw Valley State University will host more than 120 employers during its fall University-wide Employment and Networking Fair Friday, Oct. 16. The event — open to the public — is scheduled from noon to 3 p.m. in the Curtiss Hall banquet rooms.
Saginaw Valley State University writing tutors will offer their expertise for free to members of the community beginning this month.
The Great Lakes Bay Youth Leadership Institute will welcome 96 new high school participants during the program’s 2015-16 orientation session Friday, Oct. 2, from 8 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on SVSU’s campus.
Saginaw Valley State University students and faculty will spend the next year helping a local pharmacist create a cleaner environment for the medicine formulated at his Saginaw Township-based compounding pharmacy laboratory.
Ten SVSU students also are participating in the studies, which will involve field studies in the Saginaw Bay and its connected river systems.
A group of Saginaw Valley State University students will devote a summer Saturday to a service project, as they build and install playground equipment at Great Beginnings Christian Childcare Center in Saginaw County’s Kochville Township. Work will begin at 10 a.m. this Saturday, July 25 and continue until the project is completed.
The Saginaw Valley State University Athletic Department has been awarded the Community Engagement Award from the Great Lakes Intercollegiate Athletic Conference (GLIAC) for the 2014-15 academic year. It is the sixth time that the department has been honored for its community activities.
A Saginaw Valley State University student will spend part of the summer in Montreal as part of a new fellowship program that will lead to an internship at Morley. Alan Rifenbark, a French and history double major from Bad Axe, will live and study at the University of Quebec at Montreal from July 5 to August 14.
Ten Saginaw Valley State University students will participate in a year-long leadership development initiative following their selection for the highly competitive Roberts Fellowship.
Saginaw Valley State University researchers have found a connection between a recent drop in Saginaw's violent crime rate and a Michigan State Housing Development Authority (MSHDA) initiative aimed at eliminating blighted structures from the city.