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Standing Committees

SVSU maintains four standing committees made up of faculty and administrative professionals, to guide promotion, tenure, and curriculum decisions.

The faculty members are elected; the administrative professionals are appointed by the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. The committees and their membership, terms of appointment, responsibilities, and release hours are fully described in Article F of the Faculty Contract and briefly described below.

Lists of the committee members are distributed to all faculty members each fall.

All curriculum recommendations of CAPC, GEC and the Grad Committee must be ratified by the full body of faculty (see section F7 of the Contract). Two ratification meetings are held each year, one near the end of the fall term and one in winter.


Brian Thomas, Ph.D.
Associate Provost
Wickes Hall 334

Deborah Huntley, Ph.D.
Provost & Vice President for Academic Affairs
Wickes Hall 338

Wickes Hall 338
Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.