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Cardinal Carvings

Enjoy creating a Cardinal Carving by downloading and tracing these stencils. Once your carving is complete, capture a photo of your masterpiece and share it on social media using #SVSU or tagging SVSU socials in your post. 

various jack-o-lanterns, one featuring SVSU cardinal logo


SVSU themed jack-o-lantern stencil of cardinal logo holding a spider from beak
[‌ Cardinal w/spider (752KB)

SVSU themed jack-o-lantern stencil of cardinal logo wearing a witches hat
Cardinal witch (752KB) ]

SVSU themed jack-o-lantern stencil of cardinal logo with a moon silhouette and flying bat
Cardinal, moon and bat (752KB) ]

SVSU themed jack-o-lantern stencil of cardinal logo with word BOO
Boo (752KB) ]

SVSU Block Logo

[ SVSU block logo PDF (15KB) ]

SVSU athletics logo

[ SVSU athletics logo PDF (18KB) ]‌


University Communications
Wickes Hall 389
(989) 964-4039