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Japanese (Minor)

SVSU We Block


You may know exactly what you want to do and be after you graduate from college. But why limit your outlook to just one area of the world? When you pair your studies with a degree offered by SVSU’s Department of Modern Foreign Languages, you unleash a new realm of possibilities for yourself. As a Cardinal at SVSU, we’ll give you skills to be an educator or a foreign correspondent. Or, we’ll show you how to bring your business skills to boardrooms beyond this continent. Whatever your aspirations, SVSU’s Department of Modern Foreign Languages can help you achieve them. Approved by both the Michigan Department of Education and adhering to guidelines of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, SVSU’s programs promise to equip you with the communication skills required for language proficiency. Your story starts when you apply to SVSU.

Cardinal Points

  • Multiple scholarships are available to students along their journey through the Modern Foreign Languages program, including Sebastian and Ida Ramet Endowed Scholarship for the Study of Foreign Languages or Cultures, International Study Abroad Endowed Scholarship.

  • Students have opportunities through Organizations and Activities such as the Japanese Culture Club (JCC), the International Student Club (ISC) and much more.

  • Students have opportunities to study abroad in locations such as Japan to learn their culture more in-depth. 

"My time at SVSU shaped who I am and helped me figure out my academic and career goals. I have taken many interesting classes and had many excellent professors who supported and encouraged me. My Japanese professor, Dr. Monika Dix, has been especially helpful. The Japanese language program has classes in a variety of topics such as literature, culture, and communication. The assignments were fun and useful. We translated readings, wrote responses to interesting prompts, watched videos, and gave presentations on topics of our choice. There is also a Japanese club and conversation tables which are great ways to connect to others with an interest in Japanese. All of these really helped improve my Japanese skills. I also had the opportunity to do an independent study related to my specific interests, women and labor in Japan, which I really enjoyed." — Madaleine Wesol '21, History major, Japanese minor

SVSU offers both majors and minors in French and Spanish and a minor in Japanese. You can also choose to pursue a French or Spanish major or minor with a teaching certification. The Department of Modern Foreign Languages offers immersive experiences and a comprehensive language lab to develop proficiency. Our faculty integrate technological resources, online tools and multimedia in their courses, ensuring you engage with a language in a variety of contexts and forms. The Spanish, French and Japanese programs all hold weekly conversation hours where you interact with native or near-native speakers, improving your skills in the best way possible: practice.

Do you have questions about Japanese placement tests, course planning and advising? Contact the MFL Department Chair, Professor Monika Dix at

Highlighted Courses

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Key Electives

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Complementary Minors/Majors

Our Students After Graduation...


Educational Testing Service (ETS)

Career Opportunities

Spanish Teacher

  • 19% (Much faster than average) projected growth for the employment of Interpreters and Translators with a Bachelor’s degree through 2028. (U.S. Dept. of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics)
  • $46,276 is the average yearly pay for a Japanese Foreign Language Teacher Salaries in the U.S. in 2020. ( Salaries)
  • With a bachelor’s degree from SVSU’s Modern Foreign Languages program, Students in the department study at home and abroad, preparing for new adventures upon graduation. Whatever their fight plans take them, Cardinal test their wings here. The sky is the limit for their bright futures.

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