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2008 Innovative Writing in Teaching Recipient

Mary Graiver, Department of Nursing

I believe that writing is essential for communication and critical thinking. My assignment in Nursing 360 supports the vision, mission and goals of the university, college, and my department. SVSU at the university level believes that our institution fosters an environment of inquiry and openness and a respect for diversity.

Furthermore, it strives to serve as an intellectual resource. To accomplish these endeavors, students need to engage in experiences that open their minds to the world around them. Unless these thoughts are captured in writing, the value of the intellectual pursuit is minimal.

The Department of Nursing believes that communication and critical thinking are the base concepts within our undergraduate curriculum in Nursing. Furthermore, we believe that the discipline of Nursing is both an academic and practice discipline. With critical thinking and communication as pivotal concepts in our organizing framework, writing becomes essential. For the students in the department and specifically my course, this writing involves proper use of the nursing literature, a coherent flow of ideas, correct documentation of ideas, as well as correct grammar and spelling.

The Nursing 360 paper provides the opportunity for the students to explore concepts/theories and research essential for their knowledge base in Nursing. It allows each student the opportunity to contribute to nursing as he or she shares ideas with peers. Above all, it enables them to understand that the individuals they care for do not have a disease but live with an illness.

Contact Us
(989) 964-2016(989) 964-2016

Dr. Kim Lacey, Writing Program Administrator


Brown Hall 358


WPA Office Hours: Mondays, 10:00-11:00 a.m.