May 14 - June 30, 2007
Reception for Artists
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
3:30 - 5:30 pm
University Art Gallery
The juried exhibition was open to all SVSU art students majoring or minoring in art, graphic design, art education, or in the school's Bachelor of Fine Arts program. From over 100 entries, 73 pieces by 43 students were selected for display, and all creative disciplines are featured, including painting, drawing, printmaking, ceramics, sculpture, photography, and graphic design.
Students who participated in the 2nd Annual Student Art Exhibition: Stephanie Acker, Darrell Andrus, Wendy Bailey, Elizabeth Calloway, Faith Colling, Robert Darabos, Christina Dillbeck, Melaine Dyjak, Samantha Eurich, Jennifer Fallon, Jordanne Fallon, Karah Force, Thereese Ford, Ryan Fuller, Cody Gibson, Sally Giroux, Megan Gotham, Caroline Heller, Timothy W. Horzelski, Laura Izzo, Lori Jones, Dawn Kehr, Ashley Kitchen, Erno Klajo, Erica Kowal, Shoua Kue, Greg LaLonde, Sara Lowthian, Howard McLean, Jaclyn Miller, Victoria Miller, Paolo Pedini, Cyrstal Peplinski, Phil Reinbold, Monica Swayer-Martinez, Andrea Techlin, Nicole Turner, David Young, Jr., Kaari Young, Jacqui Walker, Steve Wilczynski, James Zimmer II.
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Department Chair
Shaun Bangert
Arbury Fine Arts Center 153