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Vacation for Administrative Professional Staff 2.2-1


Human Resources
Authorizing Body:
President - PRES
Responsible Department:
Human Resources
Applies To:
{{ appliesTo }}
Adopted Date:
Revised Date:
Print Policy

General Purpose

To provide Administrative Professionals paid time off from work with pay for rest and personal convenience.

  1. Accrual
    1. Full-time Administrative Professional employees accrue paid vacation at a rate of 16 hours per month.
    2. Part-time and full-time (less than 1.0 FTE) Administrative Professional employees, normally scheduled to work 20 or more hours per week, accrue vacation time on a proportionate basis. Employees normally scheduled to work less than 20 hours per week do not accrue paid vacation.
    3. Vacation time accrues during paid time worked and paid absences covered by sick, family illness, and vacation time.
    4. Vacation time for full-time Administrative Professional employees must not exceed 288 hours at the end of each month. The maximum accrual for part-time and full-time (less than 1.0 FTE) employees is prorated based on FTE. 
    5. Vacation accrual for partial calendar months of employment (which can occur during the first or last month of employment and during the month in which an unpaid portion of a leave of absence begins or ends) is calculated based on the effective date of the occurrence according to the following table.
      Effective Date Beginning of Employment or Return from Leave End of Employment or Beginning of Leave
      1 through 10 100% accrual No accrual
      11 through 20 50% accrual 50% accrual
      21 through end of month No accrual 100% accrual
    6. Except as provided in the above chart, an employee will not accrue any paid vacation time during any leave of absence or during any calendar month in which an absence without pay is for 15 or more working days. During any calendar month in which an absence without pay is for fewer than 15 but more than seven workdays, the employee shall accrue 50% of the accrual.
    7. Time worked over 40 hours in a week will not be counted when calculating accrual or the rate of accrual.
  2. Compensation for Vacation Leave

    An employee will be paid for vacation leave at his/her current rate of pay.

  3. Use of Vacation
    1. Accrued time is available for use during the calendar month in which it is accrued.
    2. Salaried employees will be required to record vacation time off only in half-day increments. For part-time salaried employees, this means standard half-day increments (4 hours) or their full work shift. Hourly employees will be required to record vacation time off on an hour for hour basis.
    3. Although salaried employees are not required to record vacation time used in less than half-day increments, all vacation time is subject to the prior approval of the employee's supervisor.
    4. The appropriate unit supervisor is responsible for the scheduling of vacations so as not to interfere with the operation of the unit. Vacations must be scheduled to meet the work requirements of the unit, but every effort will be made to satisfy individual requests. Units that experience "slack" or "down" periods may require that vacations be taken during these times.
    5. An employee may request advance use of their future vacation accrual up to a maximum of five days with written approval by the unit supervisor. If an employee whose appointment terminates for any reason has used more vacation than has been accrued, a deduction will be made from the final paycheck for the excess vacation pay.
    6. Upon the exhaustion of all sick leave, an absence due to illness or injury may be charged to vacation at an employee's request.
    7. Actual time off work must be taken in order to receive compensation for accrued vacation time.
  4. Payout of Accrued Vacation Time
    A maximum of 288 hours of accrued vacation time may be paid out to an employee in good standing that separates from the university as follows:
    1. Upon death of the employee.
    2. Upon resignation or retirement when thirty (30) calendar days’ written notice is given to the Office of Human Resources.
      1. Employees must work during the thirty (30) day notice period. No more than 24 hours of vacation time may be used during the notice period without special approval from the Office of Human Resources.
      2. Employees who resign or retire without fulfilling the thirty (30) calendar days’ written notice will not be eligible to receive a pay-out of unused accrued vacation time. 

The University reserves the right to deduct amounts owed to the University from any vacation pay-off.

Accrued vacation time will not be paid when an employee is involuntarily terminated by the University. No sick or family illness time will be paid out at the time of departure.

  1. Holiday

    A recognized University paid holiday falling during a scheduled period of vacation will not be charged against accrued vacation.

  2. Transfer

    Unused vacation allowance will be transferred with an employee when transferring from one position, budget, or operating unit to another. For positions funded by sources other than University general or auxiliary funds, a review of vacation accumulation will be made prior to the actual transfer from a grant or to another University funding source. (For various reasons, a person may be required to utilize vacation time earned while paid from a grant during the period of the grant.)

    If a support staff employee accepts an administrative professional position at the University, the employee will begin accruing vacation time in accordance with the Paid Vacation for Administrative Professional Staff policy. Vacation time earned as a support staff employee will transfer into the administrative professional vacation time plan up to a maximum of 288 hours. Vacation hours accumulated over 288, will be paid out to the employee at the time of position transfer.

    If an administrative professional accepts a Support Staff position, vacation time accumulated will be transferred into the employee's hourly vacation leave plan. The maximum time transferred may not exceed the number allowed in the Support Staff contract. Any time earned over and above the maximum allowed will be paid to the employee at the time of position transfer.

Additional Resources

Regulation and Definitions  

Regular Administrative Professional Position - A "regular Administrative Professional position" is a position established for a minimum period of one year.

Full-time equivalent (FTE) - FTE is a unit of measurement based on the number of hours scheduled divided by the number of hours considered to be full-time. A full-time equivalent is 40 hours per week and the FTE is 1.0. (i.e., 20 hours per week equals .50 FTE.)

Discussion and Rationale 

Following is a question and answer document that explains how leave time will be recorded by salaried employees.



Leave time is expected to be scheduled and approved by the employee's supervisor in advance whenever possible.

What happens if I reach the maximum rollover time allowed per month?
If you've reached the maximum accrual rate of 288 hours or a prorated amount for part-time work, you won't accumulate any additional hours beyond that maximum. For instance, if you have 280 hours by the end of the month, you'll only accrue 8 hours for that month. However, if you've accrued 288 hours by month-end, you won't accumulate any more vacation hours.

What happens if I am gone for a one-hour dentist appointment?
Salaried employees do not need to record any absences that are less than a half day (four hours). In this case, the employee would not record any leave time.

Does it matter why I am gone? What if I am gone for 2 hours to deal with personal family matters?
Again, salaried employees do not need to record any absences that are less than a half day. In this example, no leave time would be recorded. In cases where salaried employees record leave time in half-day increments, the reason they are gone would determine if the time were charged (i.e., sick, vacation, etc.).

What happens if I am gone for five hours?
The salaried employee would report a half-day absence and charge it to the appropriate leave time category. Since recording of time is in half-day increments, the employee would not have to record any time in excess of the half day, until it becomes a full day.

What happens if I normally work an 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. schedule, and I come in late, like 1:00 p.m., but I work until 9:00 p.m?
Salaried employees are eligible for short-term flexible work schedules as approved by their supervisors. If the supervisor approves this sort of flexible work schedule, the employee would not have to record any leave time. If the employee misses critical work assignments or does not have the flexible schedule approved by the supervisor, then the employee would have to charge a half day of leave time to the appropriate leave category. Since there are many high-level employees with a great deal of independence in this group, we recommend that they discuss with their supervisor in advance what sort of scheduling flexibility they have, rather than dealing with it on a case-by-case basis. The Office of Human Resources must approve longer-term flexible schedules. It should be noted that not all positions can be granted flexible work schedules due to the nature of the work.

If I am expected to work on a weekend or in the evening, can I take time off during the normal work day without charging time?
If a supervisor approves this flexible work schedule, the answer would be yes. There is no compensatory time for salaried employees and, therefore, this is not an hour-for-hour exchange. It does not even need to occur within the same work week. It is not unusual for salaried employees to have to work evenings or weekends in addition to normal office hours.

How do I record the extra hours I work?
Salaried employees are not eligible for overtime. There is no way to record additional hours in the University system, since salaried employees are paid their regular bi-weekly salary, and only exceptions (time when leave time is reported) are recorded in the system, now in half-day increments.

Salaried employees are required to fulfill the responsibilities of their position. This recording requirement does not prevent the supervisor from inquiring about schedules or assuring that the employee is meeting the expectations of the position either from an attendance or productivity perspective.