Students taking the Introduction to Materials course, working on design projects or research, use the Metallography lab to analyze metals, ceramics, composites, and plastics. The lab contains all equipment necessary to mount, polish, and examine the microstructure of material samples. There is a metallurgical microscope, as well as stereomicroscopes, both with digital image capture. The lab also contains the equipment necessary to prepare samples for electron microscopy. Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) samples can be prepared using the ultrasonic disk cutter, dimple grinder, and ion mill. Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) samples are usually prepared using the same procedures as optical microscopy samples.
The computer in the metallography lab has Zeiss AxioVision for image capture and analysis. ImageJ is also used to conduct measurements on microstructural features.
There are several tutorials available for students to learn about making measurements with ImageJ .
(989) 964-2737(989) 964-2737
Department Chair
Dr. Aneesha Gogineni
Pioneer 209