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Online SCECH Approved Courses

Courses that are approved by MOECS for SCECH credits

All courses listed are at least 24 SCECH credits and can be completed between 4-6 weeks


Reading and Writing

Enhance your students' reading and writing abilities. Strategies explored in these courses will be beneficial for students of all ages and abilities and will allow you to better address students who are struggling in reading and writing.


Common Core Standards for English Language Arts K-5

Discover the Common Core state standards for English language arts, and gain confidence in applying them to the K-5 classroom. In this course, you will explore the basic elements of the standards—strands, anchor standards, and grade articulations—and you will see how they relate to each other. You will be empowered to speak knowledgeably with parents, peers, and the community. An online course approved for SCECHs. 


Content Literacy: Grades 6-12

In order to succeed, students must develop literacy skills in order to access, learn, and comprehend. With the adoption of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS), teachers in all subject areas are finding themselves actively involved in their students' literacy development. In this course, you will discover literacy development strategies that make content come alive for each and every student! An online course approved for SCECHs. 


Guided Reading and Writing: Strategies for Maximum Student Achievement

Around 30% of students in sixth grade already have trouble with basic reading and writing. These literacy problems affect performance across subject areas, and they often leave teachers wondering how to help. In this course, you will examine the reasons reading and writing are so difficult for students. Then you will encounter the total literacy framework and see what it does to mitigate literacy problems. Since this framework is based on guided reading lessons that flow naturally into writing challenges, you will learn to successfully transition from guided readings to writing lessons. An online course approved for SCECHs. 


Guided Reading: Strategies for the Differentiated Classroom

In this course, you will learn differentiated instruction tactics that will help you understand how your students learn. When you apply those tactics within the guided reading framework, which helps you lead students through new ways of approaching text, great things start to happen. The result is a classroom full of students who can negotiate increasingly challenging texts with unprecedented fluency. An online course approved for SCECHs. 


Merrill Ream Speed Reading

Are you struggling to keep up with a flood of email, articles, reports, and books? Save yourself hours of time and increase your productivity by learning to read faster and with better comprehension. This course is a complete speed reading experience. Topics are presented in a logical progression with plenty of time to help you master the skills and techniques you will need for lasting proficiency as a speed reader. An online course approved for SCECHs. 


Ready, Set, Read!

Take this opportunity to find out how children really learn to read and write. Explore current research that cuts through the media messages about reading wars and the right way to teach children. Learn by reading stories about children, doing interactive assignments, and exploring the latest in parent and childcare information. An online course approved for SCECHs. 


Response to Intervention: Reading Strategies That Work

Whether you're working with struggling readers in kindergarten or 12th grade, you will find that these strategies work with a full 80% of students, without the need for special pull-outs or extra IEP intervention. Why? Because RTI gets to the root of the problem—quickly. If you're eager to learn the right ways to help your struggling readers make steady progress throughout the year, you will find that this course gives you the power to teach flexibly and creatively, without the need for extra training in literacy or fluency. As an added bonus, there's nothing quite like helping students discover the pleasures of reading. An online course approved for SCECHs. 


Teaching Writing: Grades K-3

From the time that a young child picks up a crayon and makes marks on a paper to when an older child puts the finishing sentence on an autobiography or a poem, a young author is developing the skills that will be used for a lifetime. In this course, you will examine the developmental stages of writing, from scribbling to the standard spelling stage, so that you can foster your students' skills and gently nudge them to grow as authors. This course is full of practical ideas that you can use to motivate students in your classroom. An online course approved for SCECHs. 


Teaching Writing: Grades 4-6

In this teacher-training course, you will learn from an experienced educator how to motivate and assist developing writers. You will get an overview of the writing basics, focusing on the importance of the task, audience, and purpose. You will also discover how to organize your materials to create an inviting writing environment. An online course approved for SCECHs. 



SVSU's Professional Development
Curtiss Hall C201, 7400 Bay Road, University Center, MI 48710
(989) 964-4048