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Online SCECH Approved Courses

Courses that are approved by MOECS for SCECH credits

All courses listed are at least 24 SCECH credits and can be completed between 4-6 weeks


High School

Develop your skills as a high school teacher. These courses will help you understand the many changes going on in the young adult and adolescent stage, as well as teach you invaluable strategies for motivating, inspiring, and rewarding students at this age. 


Bullying in Schools

Our Bullying in Schools course discusses the connections between school shootings, bullying, and gender and social demands placed on children in our schools. We’ll discuss aspects of masculinity, social status, violence against girls, cyber-bullying, gay-bashing, and adult bullying. This course introduces you to the effects bullying has on our communities and techniques for creating a caring learning environment for our children. An online course approved for SCECHs. 


Content Literacy: Grades 6-12

In order to succeed, students must develop literacy skills in order to access, learn, and comprehend. With the adoption of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS), teachers in all subject areas are finding themselves actively involved in their students' literacy development. In this course, you will discover literacy development strategies that make content come alive for each and every student! An online course approved for SCECHs. 


Differentiated Assessment Strategies K-12

Differentiated assessment is the key to helping every student succeed. No matter what grade you're teaching, this course will give you the tools you need to gather your assessment data quickly and easily. An online course approved for SCECHs.


Singapore Math Strategies: Advanced Model Drawing for Grades 6-9

In this course, you'll master model drawing, a revolutionary technique for teaching problem-solving to middle school math students. When you introduce model drawing into your classroom, your students will succeed with word problems, build math skills, and develop self-confidence. They will even look forward to math! An online course approved for SCECHs. 


Teaching Adult Learners

If you're excited about the challenge of reaching and teaching adult learners, you're in the right place! In this course, you will discover how to use the newest educational methods to create a student-centered classroom that's perfectly suited for adult learners. An online course approved for SCECHs. 


Teaching High School Students

How can you reach students in the high school class? What can you do to motivate and teach so that your students are ready to succeed in life as well as school? In this course, you'll learn about the latest teaching strategies and techniques that can help your secondary students achieve academically and behave responsibly. You will cover a broad range of topics, including differentiated instruction, classroom management and discipline, assessment strategies, and gaining parental support. You will discover tips for creating need-fulfilling lessons that engage students, suggestions for using simulations and games that make learning enjoyable, and how to teach your students the social-emotional skills they need to succeed both in school and in life. You will learn how to motivate students with recognition, rewards, and reinforcement, how to deal with discipline problems and the value of varying your assessment strategies. An online course approved for SCECHs. 


Understanding Adolescents

You will learn about the many physical, emotional, and cognitive changes that affect the teens in your life, and you will understand the significance of these changes both for you and the adolescent. You will look into relationships both in and outside of the home and the development of a teen's identity. You will explore personality, moral development and the role of faith. An online course approved for SCECHs. 


A Parent's Guide to Adolescents

Why do they act that way? That is the question all parents of teenagers have asked themselves at one time or another. Understanding those not children, but not yet adult humans that take over the house is no easy feat. They have bad manners, contempt for authority, disrespect for elders, and spend all their time sleeping and playing video games. This course addresses what modern teens face today and delves into physiological and psychological issues that turn our loving kids into surely teenagers. An online course approved for SCECHs. 



SVSU's Professional Development
Curtiss Hall C201, 7400 Bay Road, University Center, MI 48710
(989) 964-4048