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News & Announcements

Scholarship application time!  SVSU now has a "one-stop-shopping" online scholarship application which will match you up with all scholarships you're eligible to apply for at SVSU.  Visit today to apply!

June 20, 2019

SVSU updates RN to BSN program to better serve working nurses

Saginaw Valley State University is adapting its curriculum to more effectively meet the needs of nurses who are seeking to further their education. This fall, SVSU will expand its academic program for registered nurses seeking a bachelor's degree in nursing, making it better suit the lifestyles of the adult professionals enrolled in the RN (registered nurse) to BSN (Bachelor of Science in Nursing) program.

May 30, 2019

Beaumont Health selects grad of SVSU master’s program for prestigious fellowship

A two-time alumnus and former staff member of Saginaw Valley State University will pursue his passion for providing leadership in the health care industry after earning a spot in a prestigious program at Beaumont Health centers in southeast Michigan.

May 21, 2019

SVSU honors outstanding nurses from the Great Lakes Bay Region

Saginaw Valley State University recognized the excellence, dedicated care and leadership delivered by six registered nurses in the Great Lakes Bay Region during the ninth annual Carleen K. Moore R.N. Nursing Excellence awards ceremony Thursday, May 16.

May 2, 2019

Consumers Energy CEO to deliver SVSU Commencement address

Saginaw Valley State University graduates will hear from Patti Poppe, president and CEO of Consumers Energy, during Commencement exercises Friday, May 10 and Saturday, May 11.

April 22, 2019

Determined study results in medical school research opportunity for SVSU biology student

Saginaw Valley State University student Cole Pero has worked hard in the classroom and in the lab, and it has resulted in an extraordinary opportunity to continue his academic career.

April 10, 2019

SVSU Occupational Therapy program to host ‘Skills for the Job of Living’ camp for stroke survivors

Saginaw Valley State University faculty, staff and students in the Master of Science in Occupational Therapy program will lead a stroke camp on campus Monday, July 22 through Friday, August 2.

April 2, 2019

SVSU adviser receives top honor for work with future health professionals

Heidi Lang has spent two decades empowering college students seeking careers as medical professionals. Now members of that industry are shining a spotlight on her career guiding prospects at Saginaw Valley State University.

March 13, 2019

SVSU event to connect teens with STEM professionals

An inspired idea by local teenagers to encourage their peers to pursue science careers will take shape at Saginaw Valley State University later this week.

February 6, 2019

SVSU’s Relay For Life fundraiser will feature survivor of rare bone cancer from Bay City

Haley Charbonneau doesn’t like to plan too many days in advance. A four-year battle against a rare form of bone cancer taught the Saginaw Valley State University senior that each day is best lived one at a time.

November 16, 2018

SVSU social work profs take leadership posts to improve the Saginaw community

Two Saginaw Valley State University social work professors will serve in leadership roles at a newly-created community enrichment organization centered in downtown Saginaw.

October 25, 2018

SVSU student receives leadership scholarship from Hispanic Latino Commission of Michigan

A student leader at Saginaw Valley State University recently has earned a $1,000 leadership scholarship from the Hispanic Latino Commission of Michigan.

October 18, 2018

SVSU students empowered to grow as leaders through Roberts Fellowship

Ten Saginaw Valley State University students are engaged in a year-long leadership development initiative following their selection for the highly competitive Roberts Fellowship.

October 9, 2018

SVSU-operated health clinic at Bay County Health Department wins statewide award for public health

A primary care health clinic operated jointly by Saginaw Valley State University and the Bay County Health Department has earned a prestigious award from the State of Michigan for its supportive regional services.

September 25, 2018

SVSU hosting event to prevent traumatic injuries, plus blood drive and flu vaccinations

Saginaw Valley State University is hosting several events to educate individuals on how to respond in emergency situations by heightening awareness on how to respond when someone is in life-threatening danger.

September 19, 2018

SVSU earns national award for commitment to diversity, inclusion

A national publication again has recognized Saginaw Valley State University for its commitment to diversity and inclusion.

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Contact Us
(989) 964-4145(989) 964-4145
(989) 964-4024


Marcia Mastracci Ditmyer, PhD., M.B.A., M.S.

Acting Assistant Dean

Catherine A. Macomber, PhD., LMSW

Acting Assistant Dean

Jeremy Knous, PhD.


Health & Human Services Dean's Office, H260
University Center, MI-48710


8:00 am - 4:30 pm