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Adjunct Faculty Toolkit Pay Scale

Compensation is based on the following scale:

Pay Scale

Degree Level


Semester Experience at SVSU

Pay/Credit Hour




0-3 semesters



Master’s or BFA


0-3 semesters



All Bachelor’s or Master’s


4-6 semesters



All Bachelor’s or Masters


7-9 semesters



All Bachelor’s or Master’s


10+ semesters







  • Faculty who are hired to teach English 111 and/or 080, a General Education Category Ten course, a General Education Category One course, or a Communication Intensive General Education course are compensated at the rate of $875/credit hour. The special demands of these courses are reflected in this compensation. 
  • Faculty who lead lecture classes with a cap of 50 or more students will receive $875/credit hour. This pay only applies to those who are responsible for the entire class and is not available to those faculty who assist other faculty with large class sizes, nor does it include those faculty who teach labs or recitations stemming from large classes.)
  • Faculty hired to teach General Education courses will receive an additional $75.00/credit hour to participate in course assessment. 
  • Faculty whose mileage from their home address to campus is between 50 and 75 miles will be additionally compensated $450.00 per course. An adjunct faculty member whose mileage from their home address to campus is 76 or more miles will be additionally compensated $600.00 per course. However, if the faculty member travels to campus to teach two or more courses on the same day, they will not be compensated for the additional course(s).
    • This additional compensation will be paid mid-semester in a lump sum.  The faculty member should notify their dean’s secretary to let them know they are eligible for the additional mileage compensation. This compensation is computed at the start of each semester and will not be recomputed should the faculty member move during the semester.


Any questions regarding individual adjunct faculty compensation or potential discrepancies, please contact the Dean’s office.