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Bookstore Purchases for Financial Aid Recipients

Students receiving grants, scholarships, loans or other awards may use excess financial aid (aid in excess of tuition and housing charges) up to $1600 to purchase books and supplies at the SVSU bookstore without having to wait for a refund.

Any financial aid awards are first applied to tuition, fees, and/or housing costs, any excess funds are available for purchasing books and supplies at the SVSU bookstore.  The exception would include a grant, scholarship or award that specifically pays for all or a portion of a student’s textbooks/supplies (book award).

Book awards and/or excess aid funds will be available for use in the bookstore beginning the week before classes start each semester. Book award funds will remain available for the first 4 weeks of the semester. Excess aid funds will be available the first 4 weeks of the semester or until the refund process begins. Book returns can be made to the student account during this time as well.

No additional opt-in process is necessary to participate. Bookstore purchases will be charged to the student account, which will reduce the refund due to the student, or the scholarship account for a book award. Charges and changes to available funds post to the student account in real time. 

The maximum amount available to be spent in the bookstore can be viewed in Self Service – Student Finance – My Bookstore Available Funds. Contact the Campus Financial Services Center at (989) 964-4900 for assistance.

Any book or merchandise returned to the SVSU Bookstore that was purchased with excess aid and/or book awards will be credited back to the student’s account. 

Any unused funds will be refunded in accordance with the University’s refund policy. 

Read the financial aid Terms and Conditions for additional information.


Campus Financial Services Center
Wickes Hall 131A
(989) 964-4900

Scholarships & Financial Aid
Wickes Hall 141
(989) 964-4900

Office of the Registrar
Wickes Hall 151
(989) 964-4085