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Master of Education - Principalship

Informational Sessions


Mastering the challenge of education to change and improve lives

The Master of Education - Principalship degree (MEd) is designed for educators who are aspiring to become K-12 building principals.  This program is aligned with the Interstate School Leaders Licensure Consortium (ISLLC) standards and focuses on improving student achievement through organizational and instructional leadership. 

Major emphasis throughout this curriculum is on field experience, cutting-edge technology, leadership and global thinking.  Centered on current research and best practices, this program links theory and practice and provides opportunities to develop these skills through problem-based learning, reflective practice, real-world case studies, field experiences and projects that enable the integration of knowledge and experience in real-world settings.  The utilization of technology, data analysis and data-informed decision making skills are embedded throughout the curriculum.  (33 credits)

Additional Characteristics

  • The Principalship program is approved by the Michigan Department of Education for the Administrator Certificate with a Building-Level Endorsement.
  • Students are admitted to this program as a cohort group allowing them to progress through the program as a team, enabling collaboration and a community of support.
  • This program is designed to be completed within 24 months.   Courses are delivered in a hybrid format, a combination of on-line, in-class and field-work meeting a maximum of 5 times per semester.
  • Field-based projects with a university presence are incorporated throughout the coursework allowing application of solutions to immediate issues.

The College of Education is accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP). Saginaw Valley State University is approved as a teacher preparation institution by action of the Michigan State Board of Education.