If you plan to Graduate in... |
Graduation Application Opens* | Preliminary Graduation Audit Review Deadline** | Commencement Book Deadline*** |
Fall 2024 - December Commencement | April 8, 2024 | August 2, 2024 | November 1, 2024 |
Winter 2025 - May Commencement | June 1, 2024 | November 1, 2024 | March 28, 2025 |
Summer 2025 - May Commencement | November 8, 2024 | April 11, 2025 | March 28, 2025 |
Summer 2025 - December Commencement | November 8, 2024 | April 11, 2025 | October 31, 2025 |
*You can apply for graduation as soon as you register your last set of classes during priority registration.
** If you wish to have your degree audit reviewed before the start of the semester you wish to graduate in, please submit before the deadline listed. You can turn it in past the deadline, but there is no guarantee that you will receive the review before the start of the term. This may cause issues if you are missing any classes unbeknownst to you.
*** You may turn in your graduation application after this deadline, but there is no guarantee that you will be added to the Commencement book.
Students are strongly encouraged to look at and understand their degree audits. If a degree audit is reading "Anticipated (Pending Completion)" please apply for graduation.
If you believe you should be graduating but still have "In-Progress" on your degree audit, please make an appointment with an Academic Advisor or your Department. In order to graduate, all students must complete a minimum of 124 total credits, complete all basic skills, complete all general education, complete all upper-division credits, and complete their major/minor requirements.
You can find your degree audit go to MySVSU's Self-Service --> Student Planning --> View Your Progress.
All students who wish to graduate must submit a graduation application. If you are still a "pre" major, you will need to contact us or your college to change it. "Pre" status students will not be able to apply.
Go to MySVSU's Self-Service --> Graduation Overview --> Click the "Apply" link
Students will receive their degree audit review from the Registrar Office's email account (registrar@svsu.edu) and it will only be emailed to the student's SVSU email account.
If you are "Pending (Anticipated Complete)" at this time, and you change anything on your schedule or you do not pass a class this could affect your overall status for graduation. If this happens, please contact us right away so we can go over your options.
It is also important to remember that participating in the Commencement Ceremony does not automatically equate to a student actually graduating from SVSU. The act of graduation is a separate process and is completed after the Commencement Ceremonies.
Please see the Requests for Early Commencement Participation page,
To qualify for Latin Honors, an undergraduate degree recipient must complete 62 credits and achieve a grade-point average within the GPA categories listed below. The Latin Honors policy was ratified by the faculty and grade point averages are not rounded up as a matter of policy. Prior semester GPA and completed credits will be used for the purpose of the Commencement program and honor cords, as this program must be prepared prior to the end of the student’s final semester.
If the student meets the GPA requirement for one of the three Latin Honor designations but does not have the 62 earned SVSU credits at the time of the request, Latin Honors will still be granted for the Commencement program/booklet and honors cords if the student can reasonably be expected to have earned 62 credits by the intended graduation based on the credit hours for which the student is already registered at the time of the request.
*Please note: the actual honors designation on the official transcript and diploma will solely reflect the cumulative GPA at the time of graduation (not Commencement) and only if the student has earned 62 SVSU credits pursuant to the University Catalog.
** Latin Honors is only conferred to undergraduate students.
Honors | GPA |
Cum Laude | 3.40 - 3.59 GPA |
Magna Cum Laude | 3.60 - 3.79 GPA |
Summa Cum Laude | 3.80 - 4.00 GPA |
Graduation requirements for baccalaureate degrees are based on the regulations and requirements printed in the catalog in effect at the time of a student’s initial registration at Saginaw Valley State University. A catalog published after initial registration may be chosen by the student when it is to his or her advantage, but the entire set of graduation requirements listed in any one catalog must be used. The time limitation on this provision is that no student may graduate under the requirement of a catalog published more than six calendar years prior to the date of graduation. Readmitted students are subject to all regulations and requirements of the catalog current at the time of re-enrollment.
Saginaw Valley State University operates on a trimester system of three 15-week semesters: fall, winter and summer (divided into a seven-week spring session and a seven-week summer session). Each degree requires the fulfillment of the academic residency requirement (see below) and the completion of a minimum of 120 credits of academic work and must include 40 credits of upper division work (300 and 400 level courses).
Students pursuing a second SVSU undergraduate degree must complete a minimum of 30 additional credits beyond the first degree and also fulfill all requirements listed for a different major than from the first degree.
All candidates for baccalaureate degrees are required to take at least 30 credits from Saginaw Valley State University and the last semester must be SVSU earned credits (taken online, hybrid or face-to-face).
At least six upper division credits in the major field and at least three credits at the Sophomore or higher level in the minor field must be completed at SVSU.
Each candidate for a degree must have a grade point average of not less than 2.00 (“C” average).
Qualifications for a baccalaureate degree prior to Fall 2024
Commencement is the ceremony signifying graduation, in which participants will walk across the stage to receive their diploma cover and a letter of congratulations.
Graduation is when the degree audits have been reviewed (multiple times) and have been approved. The final review takes place after all grades have been received in the student's last semester. Final approval of the degree audit is issued by the Registrar's Office.
There are three graduation dates throughout the year, at the end of the Fall semester (December), at the end of the Winter semester (May), and at the end of the Summer semester (August).
There are two commencement ceremonies, one at the end of Fall semester (December) and one at the end of Winter semester (May).
Office of the Registrar
Wickes Hall 151
Alumni Relations
Wickes Hall 160
SVSU Bookstore
Curtiss Hall