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Winter 2013 SE&T Colloquia

All presentations will be in P-240 on Tuesdays from 4:10-5:00pm. Refreshments will be served at 4:00pm

January 29


Art and Science, Here and Now (35KB)

Professor Mike Mosher, Department of Art

February 5


What is a Grobner basis? (57KB)

Dr. Tony Crachiola, Department of Mathematical Sciences

February 12


Biological Antifreezes: The Effect of Carbohydrate Hydration on Ice-Recrystalliz (58KB)

Dr. Jennifer Chaytor, Department of Chemistry

February 19



Colliders and their Window into the Universe: the past, present, and future (58KB)

Dr. Bo Jayatilaka, Fermi National Accelerator Lab

Host:   Dr. Chris Nakamura

February 26



Introduction to Powder Metallurgy Applications, Engineering and Careers (58KB)

Mr. John R. Engquist, Burgess-Norton Manufacturing, Co.

Host:   Dr. Tom Kullgren

March 12




Merging Redox and Amphiphilic Properties in Transition Metal Complexes (59KB)

(cancelled, will be rescheduled for Fall semester)

Dr. Claudio Verani, Department of Chemistry, Wayne State University

Host:   Dr. Stephanie Brouet

March 19



Competition between Two Phytoplankton Species Under the Influence of Allelopath (59KB)

Dr. Jean-Jacques Kengwoung-Keumo, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Cameron University

Host:   Dr. Emannuel Kengni Ncheuguim

March 26



Introduction to Modeling and Inference of the Dynamics of Genetic Regulatory Sys (59KB)

Dr. Ozlem Defterli, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Cankaya University, Turkey

Host:   Dr. Alan Freed

April 2


Rapid Testing of Enterococci via qPCR in Fresh Water Beaches (58KB)

Dr. Tami Sivy, Department of Chemistry

April 9



Rethinking the Flying Machine from the Ground Up – The Bertelsen Arc Wing (91KB)

Mr. Bill Bertelsen, Chief Test Engineer, Gougeon Brothers, Inc.

Host:   Dr. Tom Kullgren

April 16



Medical Physics as a Career (107KB)

Dr. Chris Deibel, Cleveland Clinic

Host:   Dr. Al Menard


Contact Us
(989) 964-4144(989) 964-4144
(989) 964-2717


Andrew M. Chubb, Ph.D.

Associate Dean

Tony Crachiola, Ph.D.


Pioneer 236


Monday - Friday
8:00 am - 4:30 pm