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Department Of Sociology

Backside of Curtiss HallThe Department of Sociology offers courses that examine the various forms and patterns of human organization, behavior, and interaction across different historical social systems and from micro to macro, local to global perspectives. This broad approach is tempered by the different interests and viewpoints of individual faculty, providing students with the goal to better understand the society in which we live.

The sociology major at SVSU requires the completion of 34 credits in sociology. The program offers two tracks of concentration:

  • diversity track
  • applied track

Students are encouraged to select either track.  Sociology is also recommended as a second major (double major) for students in many academic disciplines.  

Students planning to major in sociology must confer with a member of the sociology faculty to plan a program suitable to their individual goals and to arrange the completion of coursework in the proper sequence .

A major in Sociology is appropriate for pursuing careers in governmental and social service agencies, community and recreation work, social research and for pre-professional programs in law and journalism. The skills gained in the program prepare graduates for key positions in cultural and civic leadership.

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Saginaw Valley State University


SVSU students address the needs of local and global communities through the integration of meaningful service and traditional instruction that incorporates reflection and critical thinking to enrich the learning experience. 

Saginaw Valley State University

Contact Us
(989) 964-4288(989) 964-4288

Department Chair

Scott Youngstedt


GN 272