SVSU Professional Growth Grant encourages scholarly activities such as pursuit of advanced course work or a degree in the faculty member's own or new disciplines; retraining to develop a new specialty, such as computer programming; to learn a new research skill, such as oral history techniques; or to develop a new pedagogical skill, such as competency-based instruction. Use this application to apply for one-time $1,500 Ph.D. program support.
Proposals are accepted from full-time faculty members on continuing appointment and administrative professionals in Academic Affairs. Endowed Professors are ineligible to apply.
Funding is available from July 1, 2025 - June 30, 2026
Professional Growth Grant Guidelines (87KB)
Final report instructions: Login at
1) Click on the Progress Reports tab on the top of the screen and then click on the application title of the report due.
2) Click on the Submit Report button when finished.