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Fraternity & Sorority Life

A fraternity or sorority is a brotherhood or sisterhood that consists of members that hold similar values and form a group around common goals and aspirations. Like family, these men and women make a commitment to each other for life, with the intent to support each other, hold each other accountable, inspire each other to be better and to be there as friends as they learn, grow and develop together.  Fraternities and sororities are also referred to as “Greek organizations," due to their chapter’s unique Greek lettering that serves as a reminder of the group’s core values. The first “Greek” organization was founded in 1776 when students realized the need to discuss events out of the classroom, which has since taken on a broader role to develop leadership and social skills connecting experiences back to moral ethics and values.

To learn more about this organization, please contact Jason Schoenmeyer at


Student Life
Student Center 101
(989) 964-4170

Fraternity and Sorority Life
Student Center 101
(989) 964-2467

Residential Life/Housing
Housing - Curtiss 118 Residential Life - Curtiss 114
(989) 964-4410