Early childhood focuses on the study of all children from birth through age eight. SVSU offers a variety of programs to prepare candidates for their desired role in supporting or working with young children and their families.
The Bachelor of Arts in Early Childhood Education is an ideal degree program for teachers wishing to specialize in Early Childhood Classroom Teaching (birth through age 8) while pursuing an elementary teaching certificate. Those who enroll in this program will have the opportunity to gain new ideas for current best practices in teaching young children and develop skills for reaching all students. The 30 credit endorsement program assists students seeking the coveted ZS endorsement for Early Childhood (General and Special Education).
An Early Childhood (ZS) endorsement is increasingly becoming a requirement for employment in public and private school districts for kindergarten, first and second grades, Headstart, and Early Headstart. This endorsement is required for state-funded four-year old preschool (GSRP) programs. Candidates with a ZS endorsement will also be able to teach in non-categorical early childhood special education (ECSE classrooms and Birth-3 home visiting programs).
Related Programs & Requirements
Dr. Colleen D'Arcy
GN 249
(989) 964-4662
The following are professional organizations and events that promote early childhood education.
College of Education
Gilbertson Hall
(989) 964-4057
Fax: (989) 964-4385
James E. Tarr, Ph.D.
Gilbertson Hall
(989) 964-7107
Acting Assistant Dean & Professor
Colleen D'Arcy, Ph.D.
Gilbertson Hall
(989) 964-7107