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Resources for Students

Welcome! This page provides links to SVSU resources that will enhance your academic success.

Student Success Resources

Gerstacker Academic Commons - provides academic support and opportunities.

  • Writing Center
    • Provides writing advice and workshops, videos, and handouts on citation and writing, including writing that will be delivered in traditional texts, oral presentations, and visual designs—in fact, ALL writing.
    • 2nd floor Zahnow Library, face-to-face and online,

  • Testing Center
    • Provides placement, CLEP, CS150, and other specialized or proctored exams.
    • 3rd floor (308) Zahnow Library, to the left of the elevators, 989-964-2820,

  • Library Page
  • Yes, Zahnow Library has books. And it also provides:
    • electronic resources such as e-books and online databases of articles, news, and videos
    • library reserves, which are materials your instructors might make available in the library, usually for short checkout periods and/or in-library use only (available at the front circulation desk)
    • research help in person or online, text (989-292-3902, brief questions), and phone (989-964-4242)
    • online tutorials about research, searching databases, and library services
    • interlibrary loan for materials Zahnow doesn’t own
  • Zahnow Building. The circulation desk and research help desk are on the first floor. 989-964-4240
  • Research Help: phone: 989-964-4242, text (brief questions): 989-292-3902, request a research consultation

  • Title IX
    • Explains SVSU policies on gender equity, including support for pregnant students, and all forms of sexual misconduct. You can report sexual misconduct using the button on their website.
    • Wickes 260, 989-964-4068

Crisis Situations

  • Campus Mental Health and Wellness Center Crisis Page
  • 989-964-7078, Curtiss Hall 112
  • Don’t wait: A “crisis” does not have to mean suicidal thoughts or feelings or self-harm. Stress and anxiety that interfere with school work, grief, chronic lack of motivation and enjoyment, feelings of being overwhelmed, and similar symptoms, especially if they persist, all deserve care.

  • University Police
    • 911 (cell phone) or 9-911 (from a campus phone)
    • South Campus Complex A, 989-964-4141

University Academic Policies

  • Student Handbook explains students’ rights and responsibilities and the procedures for resolving disputes.

  •  The Academic Integrity Policy defines academic dishonesty, such as cheating and plagiarism, and the disciplinary process for violations. The Writing Center can help you understand and avoid plagiarism.


  • ITS help
    • click on in the top right corner of the page to put in a ticket
    • Zahnow Library, 1st floor, 989-964-4225, toll free 866-827-4357,